primarily two services: proofreading
editing. We define proofreading as the attempt to create an error-free version of your text. In editing, we change the structure and style of your document in order to have a better, flowing text fit for your purpose. Roughly, the differences between proofreading and editing are listed below:
Technical Details We use the Track Changes function in Microsoft Office (Word and PowerPoint) and Changes ??> Record function in OpenOffice to proofread and edit your document. We use the comments facility to suggest alternative wording or to underline issues such as incomprehensible syntax. We can proofread documents in other formats such as PDF or LaTeX, as well. To discuss the proofreading and editing in such formats, please contact us.
proofreading and editing services of academic
work?specifically papers,
theses, and dissertations turned in for credit toward
degrees?adhere to strict ethical standards. We are not a
ghostwriting service. We do not write your papers, theses
dissertations. We do not perform research or do extensive
writing. We
also reserve
the right to reject any submission that is so poorly
written that it
cannot be proofread or edited.
If you have a different need or a question, do not hesitate to contact us. |